How to Clean Your System of Weed (Marijuana/Cannabis) in 24 Hours

You probably weren’t thinking about how to detox for a drug test yesterday did you?

You probably also didn’t wake up yesterday anticipating you’d be needing to clean your system from smoking and/or (other shit) you do.

Are you looking to start a new job and discovered you have to be drug tested?

Don’t stress too hard.

It’s 2018, and we have answers, science and products to help you out with your anxiety right about now.

You’re probably asking yourself, some of the following?

How Long Does Weed Stay In Your System?
Can I Clean My System in 24 Hours?
What Detox Cleaner Do I Need To Get?
What Types of Detox Options Are Out There?
How Much are Detox Kits, Drinks, Cleansers?
Where Can I Get a Detox Kit, Drink, Cleanser, today?

We’re not doctors!

Let’s be clear, but we do have some answers and solutions to some of the questions you’re asking yourself.

How Long Does Weed Stay In Your System?

Weed actually only stays in your blood stream for a few weeks. This is more for heavier smokers.

But it doesn’t just linger in your blood stream. It holds the longest in your fat cells, as well as your hair and saliva.

A week should be fine to get weed out of your blood system for light smokers but again, we aren’t doctors or health professionals here.

This is just more common knowledge.

Considering what test you’re going to need to take to determine if you have weed in your system, you’ll need to determine what cleaning solution will work best for your situation.

For a urine test, any of these detox cleaners should work.

For your hair and hair tests, you should consider these.

For other drugs, we can’t really comment on that with too much certainty.

Can I Clean My System in 24 Hours?

The short answer to that is yes, you can clean your system of weed in 24 hours.

There are a few ways to do this however.

To answer the question with a more results oriented frame to it, there are solutions for taking a urine test using fake urine that 99% guarantees you’ll pass a drug test.

We sell a few options at the shop such as this 5 Day Detox that perfectly cleans your system of all toxins.

What Detox Cleaner Do I Need To Get?

This is one of those preferential questions. Because your needs may differ from the next person.

Are you being tested for urine?
Are you being tested for hair?
Are you being tested for saliva?
Are you being tested for blood?

You may have a urine test which requires it’s own specific solution. A fake urine would be the best recommendation for a urine test.

You may have a saliva test which requires it’s own specific solution. A mouth wash would be the best recommendation for a saliva test.

You may have a hair test which requires it’s own solution. A shampoo would be the best recommendation for a saliva test.

I’m sure you have time constraints on your cleanse as well.

The type of cleanser you need really depends on your circumstances.

We sell all of these options here at the Kush Groove Shop.

What Types of Detox Options Are Out There?

The detox options that are on the market vary based on the needs of the cleanse.

As mentioned before, there are a few ways a drug test can be administered.

It includes:

Hair sample drug test
Urine sample drug test
Blood sample drug test
Saliva sample drug test

The type of detox drinks that are on the market are relative to the tests being administered.

There are a number of brands that sell some of these solutions.

We carry most of the popular and highly effective ones you can see here.

How Much Are Detox Kits, Drinks, Cleansers?

Detox kits, drinks and cleansers all range in price based on brand & manufacturer, based on size of the solution, based on the solution type, and based on its quality components.

If you walk into any city smoke shop in Boston, New York, LA, Chicago or wherever, you’ll likely find detox kits, drinks and cleansers ranging from $20 – $50, again based on size, brand, solution type, and its components.

You’ll want to find a cleanser that’s affordable for you but also suits your needs.

For example, if your purchase is dependent on passing a drug test to get your new job, you may want to spend on the higher end to ensure you’re getting a quality product.

Where Can I Get a Detox Kit, Drink, Cleanser, today?

Need to get cleaning items quick? You can call us at 617-708-1724 or message us directly here and we’ll put one aside for you.

We stock many different brands.


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